Sunday 22 May 2011

Fantastic Concert

It really was.

I mean, they didn't play anything from Journal of Plague Lovers, which sucks, but they played a bunch of awesome tracks. The Masses Against the Classes, Everything Must Go (as an acoustic!), You Love Us, Motown Junk, It's Not War (It's Just the End of Love), Some Kind of Nothingness, Enola/Alone... really great.

They also played some... unexpected tracks. Slash and Burn was cool, even if Bradfield forgot the lyrics. They also did My Little Empire, which I've never heard live before... uh, they did a bunch of other weird tracks. Like, uh, Solitude Sometimes IsLife Becoming A Landslide.

The support band (The Joy Formidable, if anyone wants to google it) wasn't bad either.

I'm surprised, incidentally, that nothing happened when I was out. Normally, when I mention going out on this blog before I do it, something bad tends to happen while out or shortly after... confirmation bias? Yeah.


  1. Also: found my Forever Delayed CD. YESYESYES

  2. Awesome! :D

    Wish i could have gone, but 'fraid i don't have enough :/
