Saturday 14 May 2011

Fancy Dress Party

I do not think I have laughed quite so much in some time.

As I've said, the theme for the party was "retro"; I put on a stupid wig and lied my way through the questions, since I'm not a fan of wasting money. There was a couple of people there who were apparently doing, like, super-retro. Some guy in a bird mask was my favourite, although I did bump him into him a few times - he left after a while, so I guess he got a bit annoyed at all the noise (that costume looked stifling!) - someone else as a suit of armour, you know. I'll need to find out who Birdface was, and give them a slap on the back and an apology. There was also a bunch of people in the usual outfits, but those are boring.

People were serving drinks, but... I don't drink. I'm perfectly capable of being stupid with no mind-altering drugs; but the atmosphere of the place meant I was constantly laughing.

I don't go to parties often enough. Or, indeed, bed, which is wear I'll be going now.


  1. Sounds like a plague doctor costume. Aren't the Middle Ages too far back to be considered retro?

    And bed? Are you feeling well? Or just tired?


  2. Sounds like the Plauge Doctor to me, im guessing you may feel very sick right now if he didnt have any gloves on... Did he?
