Sunday 24 April 2011

I Hate my Relatives -Part One-

I really, really do.

So, I went to the funeral. It was actually late in the afternoon, so I was cool to drive up there with a cousin. Said I'd catch a train back, since I hoped to be out of there in the near future. Anyway, got there, went to the funeral. Very emotional, as I'm sure you'd think. I didn't shed many tears for someone who was, to me, a complete stranger. And they don't come much stranger then my extended family. Actually, they do, but.

Now, here's the problem. My memory gets spotty after the funeral.

Anyway, went back to... some house with most of my family. Presumably to catch up or something. I spent an hour or two there, avoiding the drinks being passed around. I wandered around a bit, before walking into a room on the first floor, and was immediately basked in noxious fumes, followed by a shout of "get out or get in, close the damn door". I got out, on the basis that whatever I breathed in made me feel more than a little sick. Presumably, some of my family were getting together to smoke some new illegal drug. Or something. I know more about the symptoms of drugs then I do about the things myself (on the basis that I can do permanent brain damage to myself very easily without help, thank you very much).

Anyway, I said my goodbyes (probably) and headed out. I think I went straight to the nearest train station - I'd memorised the trains I'd need to get back (or at least which platforms I'd need to get out at). Waited for a train, caught one, proceeded.

It got dark pretty damn fast. I'd forgotten my watch at home, and my mobile phone was out of battery. My head still ached from the stuff I'd breathed in, and I honestly can't recall checking the time at any point (even though I'd need to look at the times to recognise the trains). Maybe I did and just forgot.

Anyway, an announcement came up, saying that the train had reached the end of it's line. At some train station in the middle of goddamned nowhere. I sighed, got out at the place, and sat down. A lovely fog had rolled in here (wherever it was), and it was dark, so the lights by the place were blaring. It looked like something out of a horror film... why can I remember that image so vividly, but not the goddamn time?

Whatever. After some time, I... well, I think I got up and walked away. I think I planned to walk to the next station or something. But I couldn't stay by the tracks for obvious safety reasons (plus, fences), but I knew the direction, so I went in that direction.

I think I got lost. Actually, I know I got lost, as I'll later divulge.

Right now? I'm really damn tired and want to go to bed. Some things just don't make sense
 with what I remember.

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